It seems logical to me that a user should be able to pick a font for both! Well, for the title, that would not be on a character level like the content, but I do believe a user should be able to select the font and size for the titles. Title font: As I see it, Note = Title + Content. Premium (and Business) users are enabled - which means you'd have the Options dialog tab too.Īs a workaround (mentioned in another thread), setting the registry value ShowContext in HKCU\Software\Evernote\Evenote to 0 will disable it - that's what the checkbox in the options dialog does. I'm looking at the code, and I see no way that the popup can occur if you are a free user.
I checked and the files were regenerated in the Datebases file.Īs far as I know Related Notes was off prior to upgrade as I don't remember ever seeing them before. restarted Evernote and the issue is still there. I'm poking in the dark here, but if you navigate to "%LOCALAPPDATA%\Evernote\Evernote\Databases" and delete any *.related or *.context files (make sure you fully shutdown Evernote first), does the issue resolve itself? (My suspicion is that we missed an upgrade path) Did you have Related Notes turned on or off prior to upgrade?
And will advise those that use premium (most of which I recommended evernote to in the first place) about the subject text size until the update comes out for that.

and will continue to do so for any non premium friends I have using evernote. I have already told a friend not to download this update until these issues are fixed. and I'm not sure I will be able to use Evernote until this is fixed (which is very bad since I use it for everything) So an option to disable would be most helpful to me. So how do I get rid of this? it is very irritating to me. I read that it could be disabled by clicking on the context menu under options, there is no context menu (I'm assuming because I don't have premium) Also, just having that big white area under my notes for no reason really bugs me. of course if I click on it all it does is move me down to the context area which says its for premium users. That little box comes up every time i do anything in a note.over and over and over. I also agree with Siven about the context box.

I am a senior citizen and have a lot of trouble reading that lol. I'm glad to hear that about the text size.